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Edukia • Usokori bira trail

Usokori bira

This route around the basin of the Usoko stream gives you interesting views of the town of Hernani and of Ereñotzu.

While walking next to the nearby peaks of Aginagamendi, Urdaburu and Igorin, in addition to the good views you will discover old beech woods and fascinating megalithic stations and visit the monument to Txirrita, the bertsolari from Hernani.

This route starts from the Latse house, located at kilometre 6.4 on the GI-3410 road linking Hernani with the Navarre town of Goizueta.

Usokori Bira


  • Length: 11,8 km.
  • Duration: 3h 45min.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Usokori Bira
