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Nested Applications

Edukia • Prelude


Prelude or announcement of the most eagerly awaited festivities

This is one of the events that heralds the arrival of Hernani’s patron saint festivities and one of the most loved by the people of Hernani who attend this annual date with culture.

It takes place in Gudarien Plaza (unless the venue is changed due to bad weather) and is held the weekend before the festivities begin.

It is an event of great social and cultural value, as all the town’s cultural associations and agents take part in its organisation and running.

Prior to the Prelude itself, the Txiki Prelude is held, which involves the children forming part of the cultural organisations involved in the event.

In the Prelude, among other cultural bodies, the Municipal Band, the town’s Basque dance group, the band of txistularis, the accordion players, the txalapartaris and the choirs take part. Together, they perform different musical pieces combined with different performing arts.

Undoubtedly, the prelude is a unique cultural spectacle, which showcases the quality and capacity of the artists from Hernani to go up on stage and give performances that leave the audience speechless.

Nested Applications

Txartelak • Prelude