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Edukia • Guided tours
Guided tours
Guided tours around the Hernani of yesterday and today
What’s the best way to explore a city? By visiting it with a local guide who doesn’t just talk about historical monuments, but who knows the stories behind them, what the place is like today, its role in society and, above all, who tells you about the local customs, so that you too can adopt them. This is what you will discover with the guided tours we offer you in Hernani.
Why book these tours?
Because if you understand a town's past, you know more about its present. And once the secrets of a place are revealed, the visitor’s perspective changes. That is the role of the guided tours, to take you back to another era and travel through it.
During the ninety minutes of the tour, the guide will show you some iconic and important places, such as: Gudarien plaza, the tower houses that formed the wall, the public washhouse and the humilladero, among other hidden corners.
How can you book?
To join one of these guided tours, which are 100% subsidised by the Town Council, all you have to do is write to us at or call +34 688 60 78 38. Once you contact us, we will let you know which days are available for a private or mixed group tour.
When do the tours take place?
- From Tuesdays to Sundays.
- In summer and during the Txotx season.
- At 11:30am.