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Nested Applications

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Nested Applications

Edukia • Henase - Herrilur

Henase - Herrilur

Commitment to agroecology and responsible consumption

A great treasure. That is what the land that our producers farm gives to us.

Herrilur, a shop selling natural and organic produce direct from the farms of Hernani, was founded so that we can continue to enjoy fresh, seasonal, quality produce and protect the livelihoods of the people who make this possible.

Henase, the Association for the promotion of agriculture and livestock farming in Hernani, formed by the producers, is responsible for bringing the produce to our shops. The two initiatives, Herrilur and Henase, are part of the Hernani burujabe project, which, among other initiatives, focuses on food sovereignty to combat the decline of the primary sector and food dependence.

What will you find at Herrilur?

Fruit, vegetables, dairy products, meats, preserves, fermented beverages and other products produced and manufactured in Hernani, by the baserritarras.

Where is Herrilur?

The shop can be found at Izpizua Kalea, 13.

Nested Applications

Txartelak • Henase - Herrilur