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Cider bars
How many cider bars are there in Hernani?
Nested Applications
Edukia • Cider bars
Hernani has twelve cider bars.
All of them are open during the Txotx season which runs from 20th January to the end of April.
Until recently, cider bars were only open during this season, but nowadays, some are open all year round.
Offering a more extensive menu that may include seasonal local produce such as tomatoes, chilli peppers and grilled tuna.
Some cider bars have also adapted their traditional menu for vegetarians.
Tips when visiting a cider bar
- Book in advance, especially if you are going in season, and confirm the number of diners a few days beforehand.
- Bear in mind that the menu is traditional: if you have any special requirements, you should mention these at the time of booking or confirmation.
- Remember that you are in a cellar: wear comfortable, warm clothes.
- We advise going early, at around 1pm at lunchtime or 8pm in the evening.
- Respect the customs of each cider bar and the closing times of the “txotx”.
- Don't waste anything.
- Try the ciders from different barrels to experience the different varieties.
- Once you have done the “txotx”, return to your table.
How to get to Hernani’s cider bars
As the cider bars are not usually located in the town centre, many people ask how they can reach Hernani’s cider bars. If you are wondering this, you have the following options:
- Special seasonal bus service.
- Intercity buses run by the company Lurraldebus (BU lines) .
- On foot, for those closer to the centre.
- In a taxi, from the centre.
Special transportation to Hernani’s cider bars
The special seasonal bus service departs from the stop located in Plaza Zinkoenea. Tickets can be purchased on the bus itself.
- Cider bars where the bus stops: Itxas-buru, Olaizola, Otsua-enea, Altzueta, Iparragirre, Elorrabi and Goiko Lastola.
- Price: 2,5€/per trip.
These are the timetables (txotx season):
- Zinkoenea > Cider bars: 20:30 and 21:00.
- Cider bars > Zinkoenea: 23:30 and 00:00.
- Zinkoenea > Cider bars: 13:30 and 14:00 / 20:30 and 21:00.
- Cider bars > Zinkoenea: 17:30 and 18:00 / 23:30 and 00:00.
The Larre-gain cider bar in Ereñotzu offers a service to its cider bar on Saturdays from Elkano kalea, next to Biteri kultur etxea:
- Price: 5€ return.
Saturday noon
- Hernani > Larre-Gain: 13:30.
- Larre-Gain > Hernani: 18:00.
Saturday night
- Hernani > Larre-Gain: 20:30.
- Larre-gain > Hernani: 00:00.
Nested Applications
Fitxak • Cider bars
Akarregi sagardotegia
Akerregi bailara, 5
943 33 07 13
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: Lurraldebus BU12 and BU13
- Vegetarian menu: option to adapt the menu
- Restaurant open all year: yes
Alberro sagardotegia
Santa Barbara Auzoa, 61
943 55 00 19
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: Lurraldebus BU11, BU05 and BU06
- Vegetarian menu: no
- Restaurant open all year: no
Altzueta sagardotegia
Osiñaga auzoa, 7
943 55 15 02
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: special service in Txotx season
- Vegetarian menu: yes
- Restaurant open all year: in Txotx season, and terrace in June, July and August
Elorrabi sagardotegia
Osiñaga auzoa, 13
943 33 69 90
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: special service in Txotx season
- Vegetarian menu: no
- Restaurant open all year: no
Goiko Lastola sagardotegia
Ereñotzu auzoa, 89A
943 55 32 72
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: special service in Txotx season
- Vegetarian menu: option to adapt the menu
- Restaurant open all year: no
Iparragirre sagardotegia
Osiñaga auzoa, 10
943 55 03 28
- Guided tours: yes
- Buses: special service in Txotx season
- Vegetarian menu: yes
- Restaurant open all year: yes, and terrace in summer
Itxas-Buru sagardotegia
Osinaga Auzoa, 54
943 55 68 79
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: special service in Txotx season
- Vegetarian menu: no
- Restaurant open all year: January to July
Larre-Gain sagardotegia
Ereñotzu auzoa
943 55 58 46
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: own service
- Vegetarian menu: option to adapt the menu
- Restaurant open all year: no
Olaizola sagardotegia
Osinaga auzoa, 38
943 33 67 31
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: special service in Txotx season
- Vegetarian menu: no
- Restaurant open all year: no
Otsua-Enea sagardotegia
Osinaga auzoa, 36
943 55 68 94
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: special service in Txotx season
- Vegetarian menu: no
- Restaurant open all year: no
Rufino sagardotegia
Akarregi industrialdea, 7
943 55 27 39
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: Lurraldebus BU12 and BU13
- Vegetarian menu: no
- Restaurant open all year: no
Zelaia sagardotegia
Martindegi auzoa, 29
943 55 58 51
- Guided tours: no
- Buses: Lurraldebus BU12 and BU13
- Vegetarian menu: yes
- Restaurant open all year: no